Basketball Drinking Games

Beers in basketball hoop

Are you looking for ways to make watching basketball games more, dare I say, fun? Love drinking games? Me too. I’ve outlined a number of basketball drinking games below that are easy to play and can be enjoyed with as few or as many friends as you wish.

About Drinking Games

Drinking games come in many different variations. Most involve drinking a set volume of alcohol (or soft drink) when certain events happen. Usually, the object of the game is to try not to drink too excessively (or perhaps the other way around – to each their own).

While I’ve recommended specific amounts to drink, you can alter them as you see fit. I typically suggest swapping rounds with water to play more responsibly.

You’ll also find that some drinking games involve placing a wager on the basketball game or tournament in question. I suggest you sign up with a basketball betting app before you start and place a handful of wagers to up the stakes of your game.

NCAA Basketball

The NCAA is great not only for a friendly betting competition, but also for playing drinking games. The best time of the year for NCAA basketball is March when the March Madness tournament is in full swing. Generally speaking, you can enjoy NCAA basketball drinking games between November and early April.

The Rules

Have 1 drink every time:

  • A team scores on a fast break
  • The opposing team hits a 3-pointer
  • Your team fouls someone
  • Your team misses a free-throw
  • A time-out is called by your team

Have 2 drinks every time:

  • Your team misses a layup
  • Your team misses a dunk
  • An announcer says “true freshman”
  • An announcer says “one and done”
  • An announcer brings up the tournament bubble
  • The other team gets an and-one on a 3-point shot

Have 3 drinks every time:

  • A player on your team fouls out
  • An announcer says “true sophomore”
  • A player on the other team slam-dunks
  • An announcer compliments a player on the other team’s academic record

Have 4 drinks every time:

  • When a technical foul is called on your team’s coach
  • When the other team scores a deep
  • If the other team scores a buzzer-beating shot
  • When any player scores through a foul
  • If a fight breaks out
  • A player gets an “and-one” on a three point shot
  • An announcer brings up recruiting rankings

NBA Games

The NBA drinking game is very similar to that of the NCAA game but sets alternative rules. As the names suggests, it’s best when played while watching NBA games. It’s also important that you pick a team to back, and I suggest placing a line bet on at least one team to up the stakes. You’ll find a great options for legal NBA sportsbooks in our guide.

The Rules

This game is particularly fun when there are enough players involved to separate everyone into teams according to who supports who. You’ll either drink based on the performance of your team or the other team.

Take a drink when a team scores:

  • 1 drink or 1 half-shot when the team you bet against scores
  • 2 drinks or 1 shot for every 15 points that the team you bet against scores

Take a drink when players foul:

  • 1 drink or 1 half-shot when a player from your team fouls
  • 2 drinks or 1 shot when a player on your team reaches 3 fouls
  • 3 drinks or 1.5 shot when a player on your team fouls out
  • 2 drinks or 1 shot for all players when a technical foul is called

Take a drink after exciting events:

  • 1 drink or half-shot when a player on your team is charged with a turnover
  • 1 drink or half-shot when the other team makes a buzzer-beating shot
  • 2 drinks or 1 shot when a player on the other team slam dunks

At the end of the game, the losing team must shotgun a whole beer (any soft drink will do). You can of course adjust this rule depending on the vibe you’re going for.

Other Basketball Games

While the above options are best played during NBA or college games, I also wanted to share a basketball drinking game that you can enjoy during any event, whether minor, major, or international leagues.

The Rules

This game is best when played in teams. Each drinking team should back a different basketball team, with or without a bet. It can be especially enjoyable when all players put in to fund the same bet. Players will then drink depending on the performance of their players.

Players on one team take 1 drink when:

  • The opposing team scores
  • When a player on your team is fouled
  • When a player on your team is blocked at the rim

Players on one team take 3 drinks when:

  • When a player on your team misses a free throw
  • The opposing team slam dunks
  • When your team is down 10 or more points at the quarter

Finish a full drink when:

  • Your team loses
  • When a player on your team is fouled out

This game can be altered by adding your own rules, or swapping out some of the rules listed above. Please remember to always play responsibly. If you choose to drink alcohol, I recommend swapping rounds with water to stay hydrated – your future self will thank you.

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