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Darts Drinking Games

Will BrownBy Will Brown Contributor Updated: 10 March 2025
Will Brown Will Brown Contributor

William Brown is a Content Writer with strong expertise in US and global gambling industry trends. Having covered the local sports betting market since the repeal of PASPA in 2018, William approaches his gambling guides with passion and diligence. He is a keen player of online slots, blackjack, and a regular sports bettor.

Darts and beer Best Darts Drinking Games

One of the best things about drinking games is that they provide an entertaining, challenging, and low-cost way to enjoy a night with your friends. But sometimes, especially when the night is further along, it’s not easy to remember what to play and how to play it. We suggest that you refer to this guide to the best darts drinking games when the time comes. In most cases, all you’ll need is darts, a board, and a well-stocked refrigerator.

Intro to Beer Darts Drinking Games

Before we get started in this guide to drinking games with darts, we’ve outlined some of the basic rules and things to consider before you play. We’ve then provided the rules to Around the World, Killer Darts, Drink or Draw, Target Practice, Draft Darts, and Spectator Sport.

While some of these are variations on drinking games for darts, others are designed exclusively for drinking. If you want to get straight to the games, use the following buttons to jump to each option. However, we suggest reading them all to get the best idea of what could be the best for your evening.

The Basics of Drinking Games With Darts

It should go without saying that if you want the best chance of excelling in these games, you should try to practice darts beforehand. This is a game that benefits from precision and aim, as well as an understanding of standard scoring systems.

Of course, these games should also be enjoyed responsibly and sustainably. Rather than wipe your opponents out with heavy pours, opt for small units of light beer as the “punishment”. This will ensure both the safety of everyone involved and longer play. With this in mind, let’s get started on the first of our darts drinking games.

Spectator Sport

To kick off this guide, we’ve started with the easiest and least physical of the beer darts drinking games. All you need is a television and beers to play, as well as access to a broadcast of competitive darts. The aim of this game is to all drink together when certain events unfold. Some potential rules include:

  • Take 1 sip when: a player scores 100+ points in a visit, a player busts their score, or someone hits a double 1 to win a leg
  • Take 2 sips when: a player misses three darts at a double, a commentator says something dramatic, the crowd starts chanting or singing, or a player hits a bullseye
  • Finish your drink when: a player hits a 180, a player checks out on a bullseye, or a player wins the match with a double-double finish

This is a great game for newcomers as it is simple, helps explain the rules of competitive darts, and can be customized by players. It can also help to look at the markets at the best darts betting sites to form an understanding of the rules and introduce you to some bona fide pro players and their techniques.

Around the World

This drinking twist on the classic darts game requires a dart board, three or more darts, and plenty of beer. The aim of the game is to hit each number on the dartboard in sequence, starting from 1 and progressing to 20 before hitting the bullseye.

Players take turns and have three darts to reach their target number, with every target number hit allowing for players to progress to the next. If a double is hit, two points are scored and players move up by two. If a triple is hit, players move up by three.

So where does the drinking come in? Before throwing, players choose another player to sip if the target number is hit. Doubles and triples equal that many sips. If players miss all three attempts at their target number, they must drink. The first player to hit the bullseye can either choose to assign three drinks to their opponents.

Alternatively, players could divide that all other competitors must finish their beers once someone reaches the bullseye. One strategy is to assign your drinks to your biggest competitor. Like all of these darts-based drinking games, additional rules could also be added, such as additional sips required for every streak of not hitting a target number.


The game of Killer requires drinks, darts, and a dartboard. It’s also helpful to have a pen and piece of paper to keep track of the results. To get started, players take turns throwing a dart with their non-dominant hand. Where the dart lands will be that person’s number.

Once all players have qualified, players take turns throwing three darts to hit their number. Once their number has been hit three times, they become a “killer”. They are then able to take the lives of their opponents by hitting their target numbers. Every hit takes away a life and requires the hit player to drink.

There are several variants of this game. Some require players to hit the doubles of themselves or their opponents to become a killers or to take lives, but it’s much easier to permit singles when drinking is involved. Players can also decide to start with between three and five lives or need to earn lives by hitting their number.

In this case, if a killer’s number is hit down to two lives, they are unable to kill until they hit their number again. The game concludes with the last person standing. Like all of these darts drinking games, rules can be added to require drinks to be finished when players are eliminated or other custom punishments.

Drink or Draw

The next of our darts drinking games requires a dartboard, darts, a deck of cards, and drinks. To begin, lay the deck face down away from the throwing line. Then, take turns throwing three darts with the aim to hit the highest score. After each throw, players can choose to either drink based on their score (one sip per 20 points) or draw the number of cards equal to their score divided by 20.

The cards drawn follow King’s Cup drinking game rules. For example, “2” allows you to pick someone else to drink, “3” requires you to drink, etc. Hitting a bullseye allows you to choose someone else to take your drinks or draw the cards, while getting no points means players drink five sips and draw two cards. The game concludes when the card deck is finished.

Target Practice

Of all the beer darts drinking games, Target Practice is one of the only ones that doesn’t require a dartboard. You will need some empty cans or plastic cups though. To begin, set up the cans or cups in varying configurations and distances from the throwing line and assign different values to them, with the furthest having the highest values.

Players may also choose to change the types of drinks depending on the distance of the targets. Each player then takes turns throwing three darts to hit the targets. If they hit a target, they can assign that value of sips to a competitor. If no targets are hit at all, the player must drink five sips.

There are plenty of opportunities to add variations to the rules in this game. One is to add a poison target that requires the thrower to drink it if hit rather than assigning it to others. The game concludes when all targets are hit.

Dart Draft

Last but not least of the drinking games with darts, Dart Draft, requires an assortment of drinks, a dartboard, and darts. Before play begins, assign a drink to a number, number range, or segment on the board. Players then take turns throwing three darts to hit the numbers. However, once a number has been hit, it is no longer in play.

At the end of each playing round, the scores are tallied and players are ranked in order of their points. The top scorer then assigns which player drinks the drinks associated with their hit numbers. This then goes in order of the ranked list until all drinks are drunk.

If a bullseye is hit, players may opt to require several drinks to be mixed into one concoction. Other punishments may include that the lowest-scorer doesn’t get to assign any drinks or anyone who misses the board must take a shot. The game concludes once all numbers have been consumed.

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