Hockey Drinking Games

​hockey players on the tv screens and a beer toast

If you’re looking to enhance the viewing experience of ice hockey, you should consider playing a hockey drinking game. There are several ways that you can celebrate your love of the sport by adding in interactive drinking elements. These games are perfect for a night in with some competitive friends.

We have provided two drinking games that you can enjoy while watching hockey, and one game that is inspired by hockey. This will allow you to choose the best hockey drinking game for your personal preferences. You can even add your own rules to make them better suited for your needs.

What are Drinking Games?

If you’ve never played an ice hockey drinking game before, we assure you that these are extremely easy to learn and don’t require much equipment at all. The primary aim for any drinking game is to achieve and objective or avoid certain occurrences so that the other team has to drink a set amount of alcohol.

As the game’s go on and the players get more inebriated, you’ll find that they can become more challenging. Keep in mind that these games aren’t exclusively for drinkers, and you can substitute the alcohol for soda or water. They are also enhanced when you are betting on hockey games that you are watching.

Below, you’ll find jump links to each drinking game. You can either click on these to head to each game or keep scrolling to learn them all.

NHL Drinking Game

The regular NHL hockey season takes place between October and April each year, giving you many opportunities to enjoy an ice hockey drinking game in the cool months. This drinking game can be played by watching any regular season game and is extremely straightforward. Even if you aren’t a fan of hockey, you can play along with ease.

The Set-Up

The hardest thing about this game is the set-up, and even that is extremely easy. All you need to do is assemble a group of your friends and have a game chosen and ready to watch. Make sure that everyone has the same size cup and supply enough alcohol so that you won’t run out.

The Rules

Before you play, ensure that every participant has chosen a team to back. This is important as you’ll need to drink according to each team’s performance. You can also back your chosen team with a bet if you’re looking to up the stake. The game requires you to:

Have 1 drink:

  • For each penalty minute assigned to a player on your team
  • When a goalie on the other team saves a goal shot
  • Time-out is called
  • A player on your team loses their stick

Have 2 drinks:

  • When there’s a line change
  • When a non-goalie on the other team saves a goal shot
  • When the other team scores
  • If a player on your team knocks someone to the floor

Have 3 drinks:

  • If a player on your team gets knocked to the floor
  • If a fight breaks out
  • If a player on the other team scores three goals
  • If a player on your team shoots and misses the goal

Have 4 drinks:

  • If your team loses
  • If the other team wins by four or more goals

Stanley Cup Finals Drinking Game

Another watching hockey drinking game which can only be enjoyed once a year is the Stanley Cup Finals game. This will be held in late June, making it a great Summer activity to celebrate. The rules are very similar to the regular NHL season drinking game, with some added requirements that relate to the broadcast.

The Set-Up

Again, the set-up for this game is very easy. Have all of your participants choose a team to back. Make sure that there is plenty of food and alcohol to ensure your guests are happy and well-nourished. It can be wise to have all the drinks be light beers so you don’t get to drunk too quick. You’ll also need the same size cups to make it fair.

The Rules

As is the case with the NHL drinking game, this option works by requiring players drink when a certain event happens. One way to spice up this game is to have each participant choose a player. Every time that player’s name is mentioned, you must take a sip. As is standard, you will need to:

Have 1 drink:

  • When a goalie on the other team saves a goal shot
  • Time-out is called
  • The game cuts to commercials
  • Your team’s mascot is shown
  • A player on your team loses their stick
  • A commentator mentions your team’s run to the finals

Have 2 drinks:

  • When there’s a line change
  • Your team loses the faceoff
  • Your team is offside
  • When a non-goalie on the other team saves a goal shot
  • When the other team scores
  • The other team gets a penalty
  • If a player on your team knocks someone to the floor

Have 3 drinks:

  • If a player on your team gets knocked to the floor
  • If a fight breaks out
  • The other team scores a Power Play
  • If a player on the other team scores three goals
  • If a player on your team shoots and misses the goal

Have 4 drinks:

  • If the game goes into overtime
  • If your team loses
  • If the other team wins by four or more goals

Hockey-Inspired Drinking Game

This game is unlike the others in that you don’t need to play it while watching a game of hockey. Instead, it is inspired by hockey. It’s best played with a group of friends. You don’t need to be a fan of hockey or even know the rules of the game to enjoy this option. It’s very quick to learn and requires minimal equipment.

The Set-Up

You will need at least two players for this game. You’ll also need a quarter and cans or cups of beer for each person. This game needs to be played on a table placed in the center of the room so that all players can easily move and reach around the table. Each player’s beer will act as their own personal goal.

The Rules

The hockey drinking game rules does not require teams. Instead, it is played as individuals. Have each participant stand around the table with their can or bottle of beer in front of them. The first player takes a turn to spin the quarter. They have three attempts to get the quarter spinning on their turn.

If they fail to get it spinning, their beer goes into the center of the table. If they get it to spin, they must call out the name of a random player. This random player then becomes the shooter. Everyone must cover their can with no more than two fingers. The shooter then must attempt to hit any player’s beer.

If a clink is heard, everyone takes their beer off the table. The person who hit the beer then spins the quarter again. The person whose beer was hit must chug their beer until the coin stops spinning. Any player can attempt to keep the quarter spinning during this round.

If the drinker finishes their beer during the spin, they can call “instant revenge”. They must slam the empty beer on the quarter to do this. Whoever touched the quarter last must chug their beer while the revenge-taker spins the quarter.

If someone hits more than one can during their flick, they are considered to be “on-fire” and can flick the quarter whenever they want until they miss a shot. If someone’s beer is in the center of the table after a failed spin, it must stay there for one round without any protection from your fingers.

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