Lawmakers in Nebraska Call for Slowdown on Sports Betting Expansion

Senators oppose sports betting

It has been reported that lawmakers in Nebraska are calling for a slowdown when it comes to expanding gambling to include sports betting.

Some officials are urging people to exercise caution with the introduction of sports betting, stating that previous promises in relation to gambling had not been met. This comes at a time when many other states are making a lot of revenue from sports betting, enabling them to invest more money in state services and projects.

According to the report, lawmakers are arguing that casinos in the state had been legalized in a bid to generate more revenue so that property taxes in the state could be reduced. This was highlighted in a recent session about the reduction of property taxes in Nebraska.

However, a group of 13 senators said that this promise had not been fulfilled despite the legalization of casinos, and they are now warning against further expansion of gambling with sports betting.

In a statement, the senators wrote that Nebraska had recently legalized casinos

…largely on the promise of property tax relief that has failed to manifest itself. Expanding gambling further will inevitably lead to expanding the associated addictions and add to more suffering in our communities. Online sports betting turns every cell phone into a 24/7 handheld gambling device, leading to new addictions.

The lawmakers involved include John Lowe, Ray Aguilar, Joni Albrecht, Robert Clements, Robert Dover, Steve Erdman, Steve Halloran, Brian Hardin, Rick Holdcroft, Loren Lippincott, Rita Sanders, and Julie Slama. 

An Increased Risk of Addiction

According to the senators, failure to meet the promise of reduced property taxes based on legalizing casinos in the state suggests the same would happen if sports betting were to be legalized. This would then mean that there would be no property tax reduction benefits, but there would be increased issues, such as a higher risk of gambling addiction.

Many states have had to deal with rising numbers of problem gamblers as a result of legalizing sports betting, as this provides easy access to gambling for people across these states.

With states that offer online sports betting, access is especially easy. As a result, the number of people with gambling problems has increased, and this has led to states having to invest more money in resources to help with problem gambling and addiction.

The senators pointed out in their statement that expanding gambling to include sports betting could result in suffering in local communities. This could refer to issues ranging from increased addiction risks and rising debt levels to increased crime.

Data from the National Council on Problem Gambling

Figures from the National Council on Problem Gambling show that online sports betting has increased the risk of gambling addiction by 30 percent. It further reported that there had been an increase of 150 percent in calls to the gambling addiction helpline from those who have developed addiction issues.

The data also showed that around 20 percent of students who were at college and were in receipt of financial aid were using this money to fund gambling activities.

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